
resources for the bereaved during COVID-19

Welcome to Willow! This website compiles resources from people all over the U.S., consolidating sources of support into one accessible database. If you have lost a loved one during this time, whether to COVID or not, this site will help you find support, comfort, and community.

Willow is collaborative! Please help this site grow by contributing sources you have found valuable.

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General support for those coping with loss.

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State-by-state funeral policies, digital estate laws, and more.

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Religious and spiritual talks, virtual faith communities, and more.

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Help with planning virtual funerals and memorial services; creative ideas for mourning apart.

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Advance planning, financial forms, legal guidance, and more.

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Helping children and adolescents cope with loss.

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Articles, podcasts, commentaries, and conversations about living in isolation.

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More about this site: its creation and mission.